IWONA, une opérette électronique

September 2015 in residence at La Chartreuse – Villeneuve lez Avignon ! This is the starting point of our so expected new work on the Gombrowicz musical theater play after Yvonne, princesse de Bourgogne, with stage director Françoise Berlanger and digital visuals by Til Berg. The premiere is to be performed in upcoming Ars Musica Brussels 2016-17.

IWONA, une opérette électronique, for soprano, piano, clarinet, cello + live electronics and 3 actors.

  • Fabian Fiorini – piano
  • Frauke Aulbert – voice
  • Gilbert Nouno – music composition and electronics
  • Til Berg – video creation
  • Françoise Berlanger – stage director


